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King Crow Distribution continues to identify products that are in demand within multiple industries, whether it be a few cases or several dozen pallets. We are committed to serving your needs by ordering, stocking, packaging and shipping per your directive, this will help you and your project to stay on time and on budget.
KCD’s attention to quality and to your specific needs, will provide you more time to deal with other issues with the confidence that our Distribution methods will not become an issue. Our easy access website will provide you the luxury of quick and precise navigation to product specifications, pricing and shipping details, both from your desk or from your mobile device.
Our commitment to our customers and those looking to become customers, allows us the opportunity to prove ourselves each day and on each order. Our abilities to provide product sourcing along with engineering expertise will create a partnership of confidence and longevity.
Contact us today to identify Growth Opportunities and cost savings for both yourselves and your projects.

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